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Including the excluded

Southern Voices for Global Development is a not–for–profit NGO specialising in participatory approaches to sustainable development. We aim to enable excluded people to have an active and influential say in their own equitable and sustainable development.

As a development NGO originating from the Global South, we also bring the Southern perspective on development policy and practice to the North.   

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Click here to read our three-year strategy.

Equity-oriented evaluation to transform the international cooperation industry

Southern Voices along with the Global Change Center facilitated a South-to-South action-research to study the 'Evaluation Landscape Project'. The aim of the analysis was to advance 1) understanding of the equity-centered international cooperation evaluation landscape, and 2) identify gaps and opportunities, that if seized, would help increase demand for equity-centered evaluation among international cooperation funders. 

This endeavour was a joint effort, in collaboration with six other partners from Latin America, Africa, and Asia. This South-led assessment was conducted to bring forth voices from diverse stakeholders engaged in global cooperation. In particular, it paid attention to the often-overlooked perspectives from those based in the Global South, which is where the majority of global cooperation activities are concentrated.

River Voices

Set up by Southern Voices, River Voices is a partnership project between international organisations concerned about the sustainable development of rivers, and development organisations supporting vulnerable people in basins. Its overall aim is the sustainable and equitable development of the rivers worldwide.

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